Crofton Junior School


 E-SAFETY POLICY / KS1 Acceptable Use Policy - The golden rules / KS2 Acceptable Use Policy - 12 rules for responsible use

At Connect Schools Academy Trust we take children's e-safety very seriously, and we would like to make parents aware of two important websites which you can use to help secure your family browsing.

'Internet Matters' E-Safety App

Below is a link to the 'Internet Matters' website where parents can download an interactive app which is great to play with children 8-10 years old.  The app is based on a two player game with questions and scenarios to discuss with children. It gives parents the opportunity to pause for discussion about a variety of E-Safety areas.

Link to get the app.

Also please be aware that:
1. Parents and children must not attempt to contact staff via social media
2. Connect Schools Academy Trust has a secure platform for all emails and sharing of resources within the CSAT community, using the VLE log-in.
The documents below outline Crofton's e-Safety policy and practice. 
The E-Safety Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) outlines the detail of our e-Safety provision. We would recommend that you read this carefully.
The THINK THEN CLICK poster has been displayed prominently in all areas where children access ICT, and should you decide to place one near your home PC, this will support the school's practice very effectively.
The "12 Rules for Responsible Use" and "Golden rules" are our student AUPs, and form the basis of our e-Safety teaching. Again, you will be strongly reinforcing the e-Safety message if you adopt these rules at home.
The Byron Review, is currently the Government's core research document on e-Safety, and the condensed children's version. Our e-safety policy and training is based heavily on the findings of these documents.