Crofton Junior School

School Context

Crofton Infant and Junior Schools are situated in a beautiful part of Petts Wood and serve the local community.  Both schools are highly oversubscribed and the catchment area for intake rarely goes out further than 0.8 miles. We are exceptionally proud of our Junior school OFSTED inspection in February 2019 where we were graded as Outstanding in all areas.

The Infant school has 590 pupils on roll aged between 2 and 7 which includes 20 children who access our severe and complex specialist provision unit.  The Junior School has 720 pupils on roll aged between 7 to 11.

The schools offers a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum covering all areas of the National Curriculum and our aim is to promote learning that meets the needs, interests and abilities of all children. The schools have maintained results significantly above the national expectation at the end of Reception and Key stage   1 and 2 for a number of years. 

We offer excellent standards of care, guidance and support and a high-quality learning environment to support all learners equally.  We have high expectations of all and provide children with suitably challenging learning opportunities where they can acquire the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence to be successful in the next stage of their learning. We value experiences that enable our children to improve their resilience, perseverance and independence as learners and encourage, even our youngest children, to take risks and to be proud of their efforts. 

The schools have high expectations with regards to attendance, which is outstanding.  The schools rigorously monitor pupil absence, and promote good attendance through assemblies, first day absence calls and working with the parents and Educational Welfare Officer. 

Pupils across both schools are offered a range of extra-curricular activities to widen their interests and try new experiences. Our pupils engage enthusiastically in all the diverse sporting, artistic and cultural activities that we offer.  The schools have a school-led breakfast and after school childcare provision operating out of both school sites.

Both Crofton Infants and Crofton Juniors offer a warm and stimulating learning environment and achieve extremely high standards of performance and behaviour.